Hi, I'm Lucile đź‘‹

I'm a PhD candidate in ECE at NYU

Lucile Yang

Hi, I'm Lucile đź‘‹

I'm a PhD candidate in ECE at NYU

Combating Misinformation on Online Social Platform

Combating Misinformation on Online Social Platform

Link to Paper (This work is published in 2023 21st International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt)): https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/10349848


Misinformation has become a growing issue on online social platforms (OSPs), especially during elections or pandemics. To combat this, OSPs have implemented various policies, such as tagging, to notify users about potentially misleading information. However, these policies are often transparent and therefore susceptible to being exploited by content creators, who may not be willing to invest effort into producing authentic content, causing the viral spread of misinformation.

Instead of mitigating the reach of existing misinformation, we aim to focus on a solution of prevention, aiming to stop the spread of misinformation before it has a chance to gain mo-mentum.

Our approach

We propose a Bayesian persuaded branching process (BP^2) to model the strategic interactions among the online social platforrm (OSP), the content creator, and the platform user. The misinformation spread on OSP is modeled by a multi-type branching process, where users’ positive and negative comments influence the misinformation spreading. Using a Lagrangian induced by Bayesian plausibility, we characterize the OSP’s optimal policy under the perfect Bayesian equilibrium.

The Bayesian Persuaded Branching Process is shown below. The OSP first commits to an information structure $\pi$, followed by a private effort $\lambda$ exerted by the content creator, influencing the distribution of true/fake posts $\omega$. The users offer positive/negative comments to the post after observing the realized tag/label $s$, and then forward it to others.

The Bayesian Persuaded Branching Process.

Main Results

Branching process

Bayesian persuasion